IRJES – Volume 2 Issue 2 (2018)

International Research Journal of Education and Science (IRJES) is a leading international journal for publication of new ideas, the state of the art research results and fundamental advances in all aspects of Education and Science. IRJES volume 2 Issue 2 2018  is open access, peer-reviewed international journal with a primary objective to provide the academic community and industry for the submission of half of original research and applications. The scope of topics IRJES volume 2 Issue 2 2018 is education.



  1. Undergraduate Students’ Career Decision across Perceived Parenting Styles: Evidence for Gender Differences
  2. Effects of Gender as Moderator on the Relationships between Teachers’ Competency and Achievement Motivation on Academics Performance in Malaysian Vocational Colleges
  3. The Washback Effect of Primary School Evaluation Test(UPSR) On Teaching And Learning: A Case Study Of An English Teacher In Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia
  4. Cyber- Counseling: Is It Really New?
  5. Local Values In Baharit Culture Among Traditional Diamond Miners Community As Economics Learning Resources Based On Sustainable Development Perspective Local Values ​​in BaharitCulture among Traditional Diamond Miners Community as Economics Learning Resources based on Sustainable Development Perspective
  6. Entrepreneurial Stress: Seen from the Responsibility Factor, Entrepreneurship Knowledge and Family Support
  7. Entrepreneurship Values as Learning Resources of Whiting Industry in Sugara Island Village, Indonesia
  8. Predictors of Psychological Well-Being in a Sample of Iranian Adolescents in Malaysia

Complete Journal: IRJES-Volume 2 Issue 2 (2018)

No. Articles Downloads
1. Undergraduate Students’ Career Decision across Perceived Parenting Styles: Evidence for Gender Differences


Mahdi Khasmohammadi, Sara Ghazizadeh Ehsaei, Sidek Mohd Noah, Tajularipin Sulaiman, Marzuki Wan Jaafar, & Hossein Abolfathiasl


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2. Effects of Gender as Moderator on the Relationships between Teachers’ Competency and Achievement Motivation on Academics Performance in

Malaysian Vocational Colleges


Rosmaria Omar, Nik Hanis Zuraihan Rahimi, & Zarien Nurlieyana Aminudin

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3. The Washback Effect of Primary School Evaluation Test (UPSR) On Teaching And Learning: A Case Study Of An English Teacher In Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia


Norafizah Binti Mohd

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4. Cyber- Counseling: Is It Really New?


Zaida Nor Zainudin & Yusni Mohamad Yusop

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5. Local Values In Baharit Culture Among Traditional Diamond Miners Community As Economics Learning Resources Based On Sustainable Development Perspective Local Values ​​in Baharit Culture among Traditional Diamond Miners Community as Economics Learning Resources based on Sustainable Development Perspective


Muhammad Rahmattullah, Wahjoedi, Agus Suman, & Mit Witjaksono

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6. Entrepreneurial Stress: Seen from the Responsibility Factor, Entrepreneurship Knowledge and Family Support


Monry Fraick Nicky Gillian Ratumbuysang


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   7. Entrepreneurship Values as Learning Resources of Whiting Industry in Sugara Island Village, Indonesia


Dwi Atmono, M. Rafizien Rahfatullah, & Mahmudah Hasanah


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   8. Predictors of Psychological Well-Being in a Sample of Iranian Adolescents in Malaysia


Sara Ghazizadeh Ehsaei, Mahdi Khasmohammadi, Tajularipin Sulaiman,Sidek Mohd Noah, Wan Marzuki Wan Jaafar, & Masoumeh Homauni

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